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Nationally known for its high patrimonial and landscape value, the Natural Regional Park of the Mounts of Ardèche organizes its action around a concerted project of sustainable development, based on its patrimony protection and valorisation.

Development source for territories, energy is a central subject for the Park and lets emerge different issues:


  • How to reduce territory dependence to oil and nuclear energy?
  • How to relocate energy production with maintaining the wealth on the territory and with a preservation of ecosystems and landscapes?
  • How to consume energy with a lower impact on the green house? How to reduce green house gases and how to prepare the territory to the climate changes?


The Park charter gives already some answers. With its participation to the European program for the development of renewable energies and energy savings in agricultural and mountainous areas, so-called "Mountain RES-RUE", the Park is now mature to build a climate and energy plan for the territory.


